After looking at a number of strategies to promote the Perfume of Life Study Center, we’ve opted to go forward with our own adaptation of the popular Internet platforms for crowdsourcing as a means to solicit support. Taking into account that, unlike the online rewards programs, transactions here will be administered privately, we invite your communications with a view to earning your confidence in our integrity and the prospects for the Study Center in San Miguel de Allende, Mexico.
Following are proposed considerations for different levels of patronage, conceived as material ways for us to express thanks.

$250 USD
Visit the Study Center.
You’ll receive all of the above, plus you’ll be hosted to a tour of the Study Center and its environs in San Miguel de Allende, Mexico. You’ll be personally advised on matters relating to all aspects of your travel plans. While here, you’ll be shown the sites of the City and will be our guests for a session to experience the various aromatic specialties and rarities of the POL collection.
$100 USD
Book Three, signed.
You’ll receive The Perfume of Life: Books One, Two, and Three, with personalized inscriptions of gratitude from the author.
$75 USD
Book Two, signed.
You’ll receive The Perfume of Life: Books One and Two, with personalized inscriptions of gratitude from the author.
$50 USD
Book One, signed.
You’ll receive The Perfume of Life: Book One, with a personalized inscription of gratitude from the author.
$500 USD
Plant Perfume Sample Set.
You’ll receive any or all of the above, plus a select collection of plant perfume samples. The essential oils and solvent extracts in the set will be vintage or rare or in some way extraordinary. The materials will be housed in small glass vials. Their botanical identities will vary, but at any given time, the majority of volatile expressions featured in the trilogy of books will be represented.

$1000 USD
A Tribute.
You’ll receive any or all of the above, plus your benefaction will be recognized by the author on the POL website and in future print and ebook editions of The Perfume of Life.